Tuesday, February 10, 2015


The Wayuu communities settled on the banks of the Bruno Stream and other social organizations gathered on Saturday February 7 in the ancestral ranchería of Paredero, of the Municipality of Albania, La Guajira. The objective of this meeting was to discuss the claims of Cerrejón that, with the complicity of the government of Juan Manuel Santos, wants to divert the Bruno Stream, one of the tributaries of the Rancheria River, with the sole purpose of the increase of profit of multinational corporations. As a result, we give the following public communique form La Guajira, Colombia:
For the Wayuu, the water, as it is the Bruno Stream, means the veins of Wounmain - Our territory - that is in charge of fertilizing the cultural riches, including what allows us to have food sovereignty and life itself.

Recall that in 2012, we, together with peasants, Afro-descendants, and all the Guajiro people, managed to defeat the claims of Cerrejón to divert our great Rancheria River through civil resistance- large forums, rallies, demonstrations and blockades.
Mining in La Guajira has only been serving the multinational companies owning Cerrejon, which have achieved operating profit up to 59%, while its surrounding population, being 53.5% Wayuu, presents the most precarious living conditions: 53.9% do not have access to any services. In terms of water, we get our supply from jagüeyes (35.7%), wells with pump (19.3%), rivers or streams (13.4% ), and only 11.4% of aqueduct. Meanwhile,  56.9% of Wayuu do not have any education, 27.2% achieved basic primary, and only 12.4% have basic secondary level.
In addition, this multinational mine has stripped us of our natural resources and our ancient territories. In their intervention of 12,000 hectares of Tropical Dry Forest, they have destroyed our sacred sites, polluted the environment, and destructed our water bodies.
We, the Indigenous communities surrounding the Bruno Stream, are not opposed to employment and resources coming from royalties, much less to the progress and development of all the peasants. However, we oppose the fact that these are carried out at the expense of the destruction of biodiversity, water resources, and life itself.
For over thirty years the Wayuu have received false promises of development, progress and redemption of the national government and multinationals whose actions have only been translated into abuses, changing our agricultural and pastoral vocation, high poverty, and dispossession of our ancestral lands. This is why the arguments used by Cerrejón and the Government of Santos to divert the stream are stories to deceive fools.
Given the above, we have taken the following decisions:
1. Form a committee to organize and implement the Peaceful Long March of Wayuu People in Defense of Water, land and life, on 13th of March.
2. We propose the Civic Committee for the Dignity of La Guajira to study the feasibility of a popular where the Guajiros can freely and democratically express their opinion and their position in relation to transnational mining, and whether it destroys life or not.
3. We are determined and enthusiastic  to collaborate and join the forum, marches and the Strike convened to reject the sinister claims of Cerrejón and the Government of Santos to divert the Bruno Stream.
4. We call upon indigenous organizations and leaders of the Guajira, Colombia and the world, to support and show solidarity with the just struggles of the Wayuu people in defense of water, land, life and sovereignty.

Organizations signing:
Junta Autónomo  Mayor de Palabreros.
Comunidad Ancestral  De La  Horqueta 1 –Jurisdicción Municipio de Albania.
Comunidad  Ancestral De La horqueta 2 – Jurisdicción Municipio de Albania
Comunidad ancestral paradero –Jurisdicción Municipio de Albania
Comunidad ancestral  Sipa –Jurisdicción Municipio de Manaure
Comunidad ancestral la Gran parada –Jurisdicción Municipio de Maicao  
Comunidad ancestral   Resguardo Indígena Wayuu el Zahino.
Comunidad Ancestral de patsuarrali- Jurisdicción Municipio  de Albania.
Movimiento Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuu- Sutsuin Jiyeyu Wayuu
Federación de Comunidades Negras afectadas por la Gran minería –FECODEMIGUA.
Junta Social Pro Reubicación de Tabaco.
Comité Cívico por la Dignidad de la Guajira.
Red Colombiana Frente a la Gran Minería, Reclame.
Movimiento Ríos Vivos
Colectivo de Diseño la Colmena

Ranchería Paradero, Municipio de Albania, 7th of February 2015

Para la version en espanol, ver aca

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