Friday, June 27, 2014

Letter from a Wayuu indigenous woman to the public opinion: “My reasons for NOT voting for Juan Manuel Santos nor Oscar Zuluaga

By Ussyunu Epiayu, May 28, 2014

First, I want to address any and all Colombians who defend national sovereignty. Also, I want to thank the indigenous brothers, African descents, peasants, sisters and brothers of the left, and all those who trusted the real proposals of Clara Obregón López. "Clara lo tiene Claro” demonstrates how the two million votes and the 70% of abstention are the real winners of the elections on May 25, 2014. These give credibility and confidence to the ideology as consolidated now in the left. 

Today, being 5:13 pm, I allow myself to write this letter from my status as an activist Wayuu woman and leader, as a manifesto of "my reasons for NOT voting by Juan Manuel Santos nor Oscar Iván Zuluaga." Brothers and sisters, with my sincere words I do not seek to be recognized. Rather, I only seek to raise awareness and find consistency as I know many of my sisters and brothers who follow me on social networks, will think I'm crazy since this may be taken as an opposition of the so-called Peace ? But my conviction and good thinking has led me to reflect that today my country, your country, our country Colombia, has been falling apart for long 25 years of Neoliberal reforms through which a giant Empire, along with a few warlords and wealthy elites have acted as the of the varied natural resources that rest in our country. However, as has been reflected through the marches and collective proposals that have lately taken place for the protection and safeguarding national sovereignty, these resources are collective.

Indigenous and non-indigenous, the 13,000 votes casted in Wounmainkat, La Guajira department, supporting Clara Lopez, is today, a reflection of the voices of those brothers and sisters who believe in real proposals for an economic and political model built from the bases. 

Today, I wish to inform you that my department of La Guajira houses natural resources that reach 43 .4% of the national proven gas reserves, supplying domestic demand by 60% as well as 56.6% of the proven coal reserves, which are equivalent to 3,728 million tons, generating 560 MW of electrical power for the nation. 

Nevertheless, today, the realities among indigenous communities, farmers, African descendants, and other sectos show the true Guajira wrapped in Extreme Poverty, poor conditions of public services, and a fully contaminated Guajira as a result of the corporations that took over the whole department of la Guajira. The most alarming aspects for me are, thus, the social inequality, expressed through the Gini coefficient that when from 0.47 in 2007 to 0.61 in 2010; the low aqueduct (51.64%) and sewerage (38.96%) coverage; an index of unsatisfied basic needs (NBI) of 65.23%; and a chronic malnutrition of 27%, being one of the highest rates in the country. 

The departmental GDP which by the mid-70's in terms of agriculture was more than 20%, in 2010 only reaches 4.6%. In other words, mining, which is 61% of the GDP, generates only 2.9% of the local jobs; certainly, much less than in agriculture. Hence, unemployment in 2010 was 9.2%, much higher than the 5.7% in 2005 while underemployment reached 122000 people. Up to 2012, more than 540 million tons of coal had been exported, with revenue for the mining company Cerrejón of 23,800 million dollars. Neverteless, Colombia only obtained royalties of $ 2,006,000 dollars, or the 8.42% of total earnings. Similarly, while multinational corporations operating profits reached 37.7%, 58% of the peasants in La Guajira live on less than 200000 pesos (around 110 dollars) per month, and 38% with less than 90000 pesos (50 dollars). Mining and multinational corporations have not been a sign of development and progress but, instead, immense environmental, social and cultural liabilities.

Thus, I cannot be so irresponsible as to think or repeat such common lies deceiving many of our Colombian brothers of  "vote for peace" "or “Santos is better than Zuluaga". No. Both are cut from the same cloth and both come from the same school of warlords and elites working with the transnational companies operating in the country.

Today, my analysis leads me to lean to the left in Colombia that keeps some consistence consistency. I know many will surely point out that we are not wanting peace for Colombia, but, for these politicians, the focus has not been the search for peace. There is a gentleman named Juan Manuel Santos whose campaign being done in the name of peace is actually for the benefit of the elite. Similar is the perverse example of the way in which Oscar Iván Zuluaga, a cub of Uribe, is based on the false propagandas shown in the media (RCN and Caracol). Sisters and brothers, I also will mention that the focus of the crisis that exists in Colombia is not merely armed conflict, but also the real crisis coming from the neoliberal economic model. The oligarchy cannot cover the sun with one finger. The lies of the governments of the Right have been uncovered by the movement of the peasants, indigenous peoples, and others that have risen in this country. I do not say that peace is not necessary for Colombia. Of course it is! But peace must be accompanied with social justice where changes are generated from local economic models built where the bases can build their own sovereign models. The electoral results show me the failure of Santismo and Uribismo. This is reflected by the Municipality of Piedras, Tolima, where blank votes reached 54.02% as a protest against the exploitation of natural resources of the company Anglo Gold Ashanti. Similarly, places like Taganga (Magdalena) and Baru (Cesar) refused to vote as a result of the failure of the government to meet their basic needs. 

"The economic model is absorbing the country and its sovereignty is at risk," There is a disaster of the FTA. For these reasons: 

"I do NOT Vote for Juan Manuel Santos nor by Oscar Iván Zuluaga." 

“Voting for the Right obliges me to lose my territory and my dignity; Voting for the Right forces you to have no memory”

"Consistency in my daily walk and discourse makes me give reasons not to vote for the Right. I appeal to the good sense and coherence of people to adopt for blank votes or abstention on the second round of elections" 

Sincerely, Ussyunu Epiayu